Each Union has an HP pool, and if it runs out, that Union is terminated. The higher/lower your morale, the better your damage will be. Your unions can flank, be flanked, be multiflanked (surrounded on all sides), and the morale meter determines how you’re doing. Through combat, you’ll learn new powers, improve old ones, and gather components to improve your weapons/armor. If you’re unsure, you can leave it up to the NPCs, and just throw caution and fate to the wind.
From “Use Physical/Mystic Arts”, “Use Healing Items”, “Flank them!”, “Heal your friends!” et cetera, you don’t get to actually pick what your team does, but you get a little bit of say so.
If you press square, you’ll see what commands these orders will offer. When you enter a battle, each Union will receive a set of orders. It’s cruel, oftentimes it feels unfair, but it was certainly unique. I’ve talked about stuff I don’t like about The Last Remnant, but remember why I said I love this game? I do, and the Battle System is why.
Rare monsters are not to be trifled with.